Clarity and Love

Mission Statement

There is enough information. We lack clarity.
Without clarity, we prevent ourselves from doing the work we love, creative and challenging. Instead we disperse our attention managing a flow of changes, emails, comments, messages, versions, figuring out who's doing what and who can see what.
We are a team of transactional lawyers and we are creating a tool that will unlock the superpowers of teams who work with contracts. With not only do we eliminate bottlenecks, help to focus, speed up the workflow and save money.
But we also want to bring love to this process. We have just one life and we need to enjoy what we're doing. Clarity and focus help to make work more meaningful and satisfying.
To achieve that, we started with the key areas: structured communication, advanced document changes, smart versioning and project management built around contract process.
We will not stop there—we have the vision and expertise to rethink negotiations, covenant control, document automation with a single purpose—to unlock teams' superpowers.